Thursday, June 12, 2014

Our first submission!

Hey guys!

A new friend has decided to let us post one of her original poems! By new friend, I mean it in the most drastic of ways! She came by to check out our blog, and appreciated the idea!
But yeah, here it is! Here's Pamela's original poem.

As I leave out the door that separate me and the unknown
A whisper of goodbye lingers upon my lips as I look back to have a final glance at my empty sanctuary
My only place that holds my comfort and safety
As I walk through the narrow hallway that seems to cave in with every step and happens to so easily resemble the hidden feeling inside the pit of my stomach
Aching for me to turn back
Although I know
I have no choice
As I stumble down the steps tripping over my own two feet
Every step as a reminder for every flaw and every mistake that I've made going through the exact same journey I've done so many times
As I leave through yet another door that defends not only my sanctuary but the sanctuary of my many known acquaintances
I face the harsh reality of what there is to come of the real world
Walking through the slush that happens to come when the world feels the loss of warmth and tears of the sky fall and mix with the sorrow that comes with being human
I walk the journey that holds so many memories
So many mistakes
So many accomplishments
The walk always makes me reminisce the past
The past I try so hard to forget
The past that happens to remind me to never make those mistakes again
After the end of this tormenting journey I end up at the tunnel of knowledge
The tunnel that holds so many stories
The tunnel that never ends
One after another
Its sole purpose to make sure these stories travel to their destination,  to continue their never ending tale

Love it! And she gave me her email, so expect to see more from her in the near future!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Visual Artifacts

A few posts ago, I mentioned posters that Kemal and I would have done in some time. This posters, known to our overall projects as our "Visual Artifacts" are done. 

I promised I would post mine, so I'll link it here.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Hey guys, I ran across an interesting article I thought I would let you guys read:

It talks about the benefits of reading and how it does all this amazing stuff to the brain, so definitely check it out.  As for the vlog(s) I promised, they are at school (and ultimately not in my possession) and will be uploaded as soon as possible.  Sorry for the inconsistent update!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Hey guys, sorry for the delays on my part, I have been really busy with a lot of senior stuff and now that I am working with a class with my friend.  I won't be posting much in the mean time but I will be getting a few vlogs up talking about how the whole thing is going.  Again, I do apologize in advance!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Teaching Freshmen

Hey all,

Yesterday, Kemal and I helped teach two freshmen english classes! We were the "Shakespearian Experts" during the lessons based on Shakespeare's The Tempest.

After briefly discussing the picture above, we broke off to read. I'll post some more pictures below.

Honestly, I working with the freshman was such an invigorating experience. It confirmed my want to teach as an adult. To be able to help mold someone, and to be a part of their change from child to adult is such a magical experience.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Submissions and Social Media

Hey all,

I want to remind everyone that they can always comment on a post with their own submissions!

I'm almost as passionate about sharing work with other people as I am writing my own. I would love to give someone the chance to have their own hard work recognized in a very public way.

Also, feel free to follow our twitter account @TheLitEffect. DM or tweet us, we'd love to chat, or even to help you with something writing related!